In this episode we talk about how enjoying the world/the earth actually points us to God, not separates us from Him.

On goals, the road to them, and life in between.
In this episode we talk about how enjoying the world/the earth actually points us to God, not separates us from Him.
What did you enjoy doing today that you thought brought delight to God?
References from this episode:
Sally Clarkson interviews Professor Malcome Guite in her podcast At Home With Sally, episode entitled Advent: Living in His Light With Malcolm Guite. The conversation about advent started around minute 15.
Bible Verses we quote:
Is 62:4-5 – the lord will take delight in you (or pleasure) as a groom over his bride.
2 Sam 22:20 – He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me”
Netflix documentary series Addicted to Pleasure: Opium.
In this episode we talk about how Christians have gotten a reputation for being boring an no fun. We also talk about joy, happiness, pleasure, and church potlucks.
We’re back for season two during the second wave of coronavirus! Tune in to find out what book we’re going to be going through together.
We’re finished the book! Today we talk about what we took away from the book, about our experience as first-time podcasters and what’s next for us.
Willy made reference to the book Leading with a Limp by Dan Allender
This is the final chapter of the book The Gifts of Imperfection. We talk about laughter, dancing, singing, betrayal, and being 50 weeks pregnant.
Here’s the Dance Playlist on Spotify that I made by crowdsourcing songs-that-make-you-dance from my Facebook friends.
Willy wants you to listen to The Glory of True Love by John Prine (who has Coronavirus right now).