I’ve decided that as an extension of this blog I’m going to start a newsletter. I will send it out ever 4-6 weeks and it will contain content you wont get here in the blog. I’m doing this in attempt to keep the blog focused on its purpose. The feedback I got from the survey made it clear that a lot of people read my blog to keep up with my life and you want more of that. That kind of stuff doesn’t always fit with the theme.
I’m about to release the first newsletter so you better sign up if you haven’t yet. The newsletter is different than if you subscribe to these posts to your inbox. I don’t want to assume you want both. It would be spam to sign you up for something you didn’t ask for.
My promise to you: I want it to be useful and relevant. Therefore, I promise I wont be upset if you sign up and decide to unsubscribe later. Your inbox is precious and should only contain good things. I hate spam. I get a lot of it.
So go on over to to the sidebar and sign up for the newsletter (“Straight to your Inbox”) if you want to take a peek at the first one coming soon. Note: if you expressed interest in the newsletter on the feedback form, I have automatically added it to the list.