12. Guidepost 8: Cultivating Calm and Stillness

Today we talk about calm, stillness and ways we can practice both of these.

Willy talks about “The Big Five” which is a method to ground yourself in the midst of anxiety or overwhelm: https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/5-4-3-2-1-countdown-to-make-anxiety-blast-off

Jess shares about Morning Pages, which is a method to get rid of everything filling up your mind. https://jessversteeg.ca/tag/morning-pages/

11. Guidepost 7: Cultivating Play and Rest

Today we’re talking about… you guessed it! Cultivating Play and Rest when our culture is so focused on exhaustion being a status symbol and productivity being a source of self-worth.

You can also help us settle something: do you pronounce Uno the card game as “you-no” or “ooo-no”?

Books we referenced in this episode:

8. Guidepost 4: Cultivating Joy and Gratitude

This episode seems particularly relevant to our self-isolation and no-food-on-the-store-shelves situation we’re finding ourselves in. We talk about joy, gratitude, and scarcity.

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